Space Weather information dissemination hub.
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Daily Space Weather Nowcast and Forecast
Henceforth, due to some administrative restructuring and in a bid to promote regional efficiency the space weather casts shall be found here at the UN Regional Centre’s page.
The general public and in particular patrons of space technology-dependent systems/ operations shall benefit tremendously from the space weather now- and forecasts.
Summary of space weather and space weather parameters/observations at the given hours of nowcast and 3-day forecast of daily ionospheric map generated from regional models are as follows:
Space Weather Daily condition
Date: 20 September 2024; 09:52 UT
Sunspots AR3825 and AR3828 have ‘beta-gamma-delta’ magnetic fields that harbor energy for X-class solar flares. The geomagnetic conditions are quiet. The solar wind speed is declining.
Space Weather parameters / observations;
Sunspot Number: 109
10.7cm Flux: 161 sfu
Solar wind speed: 429.8 km.s-1A
Solar wind density: 1.11 protons.cm3
Kp: 1.00
Bz: 2.99 nT (North)
Bt: 3.71 nT
Dst: -13 nT
Total Electron Content (TEC) Nowcast and Forecast
The TEC Models
This is a model developed in Nigeria to forecast the GNSS ionospheric total electron content (TEC) over Nigeria and the entire Africa region. The models comprises of NigTec and AfriTEC.
The NigTEC gives the forecast of the ionospheric condition over Nigeria while AfriTEC give the forecast over Africa.
Here, TEC is shown
in form of spatial maps and vidoes for three days.
This is intended for global usage in ionospheric studies.
Africa GNSS TEC Model
The AfriTEC model is a model of the ionospheric GNSS TEC over the entire African region (Longitudes 25 degree West to 60 degree East, Latitudes 40 degree South to 40 degree North). The model can be used .......
Nigeria GNSS TEC Model
The NIGTEC is a model of the ionospheric GNSS TEC over Nigeria (Longitudes 2-15 degrees East, Latitudes 4-14 degrees North) The model can be used to obtain the ionospheric GNSS TEC at all locations over Nigeria.