Research & Development

The development of any nation depends to some extent on how much she invests on research and development.

The Centre was established principally to boost the growth and domesticate capacities of the participating African countries and to enable each of them to enhance its knowledge, understanding and skills in many aspects of Space Science and Technology (SST).

The Centre is also serving as an education and research hub capable of high attainments in the development and transmission of knowledge in all fields of SST applications. It also offers the best possible education and applications experience to participants in all its training programmes. Therefore, the research and development unit of the Centre should be capable of discovering, investigating and providing solutions to problems of national interest through effective research in the key areas of SST.

In order to ensure that new knowledge and innovation in space and resource management and in the provision of geospatial data lead to societal benefits, the Centre’s Research and Development Programme is subdivided into both pure and applied researches.

The Centre is presently making efforts to double its research efforts in space science and technology-related fields and the development of systems, particularly in the areas of such as resource management, urban planning and environmental research, health and education management systems, satellite payloads and system design, satellite communication, GNSS and satellite-based augumentation systems, space weather and ionospheric studies, disaster management, curriculum impact studies, ‘data warehouse’, and ‘3D GIS application.

The Centre is equipped with a team of seasoned researchers drawn from the various universities and other collaborating institutions that are currently involved in value added researches, human resource training and education programs for public and private institutions.

With our objective to enhance space technology education and encourage academic exchanges, the Centre through her Research and Development unit is committed to the following tasks:

  1. Providing human resource training and education programs for public and private institutions, and offering professional courses in space technology applications.
  2. Advancing theory and practice in space education, preparing practical teaching materials, and developing human resources;
  3. Popularizing space technology products and technical applications, ensuring high user satisfaction, and providing multi-level, multi-form, and all-aspect technology services;
  4. Developing reliable, stable, and trustworthy space technology, and building brand value based on our innovation of quality;
  5. Strengthen the cooperation between professional teams, and fulfilling business continuity requirements.

Space Research

