National Time Service Center (NTSC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is the only professional research institute of China which specializes in fundamental research and application study of time and frequency. Established in 1966, NTSC undertakes the task to generate, maintain and transmit the national standard of time (Beijing Time), and operates the long and short wave time service system which is among the first batch of major national science and technology infrastructures. Meanwhile, NTSC has built the only experiment platform for space-ground integrated satellite navigation and time service in China, making important contribution to the construction and development of national time and frequency system and navigation satellite system.
NTSC is responsible for determining and maintaining China’s Atomic time standard and coordinating universal time standard with its time-keeping atomic clock group. In the past five decades, NTSC has built multiple kinds of time service system, such as BPM, BPL, low frequency time-code, telephone, website and communication satellite, providing reliable and high-precision time service for communication, electric power, transportation, surveying and mapping, aerospace, national defense and other industries and departments. At the same time, GNSS Common View, two-way satellite, GNSS PPP and other means are used to provide point-to-point ultra-high precision time and frequency services for important users, which basically satisfies the needs of national economic development, national defense construction and national security. In the field of satellite navigation, NTSC has made outstanding contributions to the development and construction of China’s satellite navigation system.
UN-ARCSSTE-E is one of the seven regional centres established by the United Nations of Outer Space Affairs UNOOSA following the endorsement of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolutions 37/90 10th December, 1982 and in its resolution 45/72 of 11th December 1990. The Centre has the mandate to develop indigenous capacity in all areas of Space Science and Technology and its applications at the postgraduate levels as well as to educate, create awareness, motivate and inspire school children at all levels to develop interest in Space. UN-ARCSSTE-E has now completed 25 years of impact on the African continent through indigenous capacity building in space science and technology education.
This international GNSS Training workshop shall feature lectures and training by leading experts on topics such as: Basic GNSS Principles (GNSS Technical Overview, Signal and its Receiving & Processing, Positioning Calculation); Global/Regional Navigation Satellite Systems (BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, Ancient Chinese Navigation, Global/Regional Navigation Satellite Systems); Satellite Navigation Augmentation and its Applications (GNSS Augmentation and High Accuracy Techniques, GNSS-Based High Accuracy Applications, Precise Timing and Orbit Determination and Measurement); GNSS Related Technologies (GNSS Timing, Geodetic Reference Frame, GNSS Interference and Jamming Detection and Mitigation, Monitoring and Space Weather, Navigation in Challenging Environment, Navigation and Communication Integration)
The workshop shall bring together, Ionospheric scientists, GNSS practitioners, policy makers, students and designers of space and navigation technologies.
Working language
The working language of the Colloquium is English.
Application: Online
Registration: June 30, 2024
Acceptance notification: July 5, 2024.
Invitation letters distribution: July 6, 2024
Kindly direct all enquiries to: Conference@arcsstee.org.ng
Co-Organised by