About the Workshop

The international workshop is aimed at bringing together stakeholders in the air quality sector including researchers, scientists, government, and citizens to deliberate on the challenges associated with air quality in the country.  In recent times, there has been increased attention to the issue of air pollution, especially in tropical regions.  This is due to the effect of air pollution on health, the environment, and the economy.  In light of this, there have been relatively increased opportunities within the environmental pollution and monitoring research ecosystem. 

The international workshop is scheduled to run for two full days.  The programme includes keynote addresses by leading scientists across the world, and hands-on training on data acquisition and building/maintenance of air quality sensors.  Furthermore, there will be a round table meeting on potential research collaboration at the national level. This workshop shall offer opportunities for the presentation of oral contributions, delivery of invited papers by distinguished scientists to educate young scientists, and tutorials on developing technologies. The workshop will serve as an effective meeting point for scientists, policymakers, students and designers/operators/users of air pollution sensors.


Participants include researchers with operational air quality monitoring, government agencies with mandates related to air pollution, representatives from allied industries, and students from tertiary institutions.

Co-organized by