The Training which was held online spread over 3 days starting from Tuesday 23rd to Thursday 25th February
2021 and 
focused on building capacity on the development and use of Application Programming Interface (API) for disseminating online data products and services. It was designed to introduce participants from Disaster Management Organizations (DMOs), Communities around flood prone areas, Media, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) & Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Policy-makers and Hydrological/Meteorological Agencies across seven (7) Partners from five (5) West African Countries – Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Cote D’Ivoire to the basics of API design, development and usage. Participants were expected to have basic knowledge of web development in Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP).

The training covered the following topics:

·         Introduction to API and API Development.

·         Characteristics, Types and Applications of API

·         Restful APIs for Web Applications

·         APIs for Exposing Online Databases

·         Practical Lab Exercises

·         APIs for utilization of MiFMASS products

·         Assignments/ Mini project.

·         Online quiz

In his opening remarks, the Executive Director (CSSTE) and Lead of the Consortium, Dr Ganiy Agbaje revealed that this is the fourth (4) of the series of training programmes and other trainings are imminent.  He subsequently had a short presentation on ‘API development interfacing services into information on mobile applications, mail, and sms diffusion systems’.

The Opening Remark was delivered online by the GMES & Africa Programme Coordinator, AUC. Goodwill messages by (NIMET, NEMA, NIHSA and FMENV was delivered by representatives of the Directors. All Speakers believe the training will improve the stakeholder’s partnership, and knowledge of flood monitoring and forecasting that will enhance capacity in delivering their respective institutional mandate. 

Training Sessions were led by Dr Jude Adeleke from NASRDA, Nigeria and Oluwatoyin Adeyemo from Bingham University. 

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