The Training held from 9th to 11th February 2021focused on building capacity on ‘Flood Monitoring and Forecast Modelling’. The training delivery was hybrid (online and classroom). Training included presentations, practical demonstrations, short assignments, and quizzes to all registered participants.

Participants were introduced to hydrological and hydraulic simulation and modelling using HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS. It also covered identification of Flood-hotspot areas to make quick flood damage assessment. The workshop aimed at equipping participants with the skills of developing Flood monitoring and Forecasting models necessary to get accurate information on flood hazard events for better mitigation.

The welcome address was given by the Lead, CSSTE Consortium and Executive Director of CSSTE,  Dr Ganiyi I. Agbaje. He stressed the importance of the series of trainings which is designed to develop capacity in flood management in all the partner countries. He gave an overview of Flood Modelling Techniques and their importance to in the management of flood related disasters.

Speakers at the Workshop agreed that the series of trainings were timely and very essential in equipping participants from five partner countries across West Africa with relevant skills in Flood Management Techniques. They urge the trainees to see it as a vote of confidence of the Region in their ability to chart the course toward effective mitigation of flooding which has led to several consequences.

Resource Persons including: Dr Innocent Bello from NASRDA, Nigeria; Dr. Jean Hounkpe and Prof. Luc Sintondji, Dr Maurice Ahouansou and Dr Felicien Badou engaged the participants in the 3-day event through theorems, simulations and models used in Flood mitigation.

The presentations showed different types of results, visualization, statistical summaries, and other advanced capability. Quizzes were conducted for the participants to further test their understanding of different topics covered.

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