The procurement department is the instrument through which the Public Procurement Act 2007 is implemented in the Centre.

The Bureau of Public Procurement has established general policies and guidelines relating to public sector procurement for supervising procurement implementation as well as reviewing the procurement and award of contract procedure including certifying all procurements prior to the award of contract.
The division is responsible for the processing of all procurement of contracts for Goods and Services in the Centre.
What we do.......
- Coordinate the preparation of the Centre’s Procurement plan.
- Process all awards of contracts and issue letters of Award/Job order for the Centre.
- Process all contracts above the approving limits of the Director for onward transmission to NASRDA.
- Liaise with the Bureau of Public Procurement on all procurement matters.
- Participate in the preparation of Annual Budget needs analysis of the Centre.
- Monitor and evaluate projects executed by the Centre and other procurement activities.
- Prepare Reports and returns on all Procurement activities.
- Process disposal of Unserviceable items.
- Ensure Tender Advertisement.
- Ensure Delivery and Inspection of Goods/Works
- Ensure all Procurement processes are strictly followed in accordance with Public Procurement Act (Plan).
- Establish pricing standards/benchmark/ carry out market surveys.
- Ensure fair competition; transparency and value for money for the Procurement of Public Assets.
- Liaise with NASRDA to obtain Certificate of “No Objection” to contract award in line with prior approval review threshold.
- Provide functional secretariat for the Planning and Evaluation Committee; and any other ad-hoc duties that may be assigned by the management.
- Any other ad-hoc duties that may be assigned by the management.
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